Of all things. I may file a complaint. The Falloonian Elders
never intended that I face such an indecency. I can’t find a word in my
Galactic Universal Translator to describe the insult.
No matter how my GUT responds, I guess I’ll make an attempt
to follow instructions my host has given me. That is to prepare a list of something
he calls “New Year’s Resolutions.”
He says they serve to make a person better. How could I
become any better? Here are his suggestions.
- Don’t assume the shape of Stephen Miller again. The neighbor’s
kids are having nightmares and cows at a nearby dairy still refuse to give milk.
- Don’t leave Falloonian films like Dephraslinko Duzetwiph++
Dallstron IV on Big Dope’s laptop.
- Don’t practice Falloonian recipes in Mrs. Big Dope’s kitchen.
- Don’t mention Michael Vick around Demon Dog again.
- Don’t get Left Head to drink green tea and ask him to sing.
- Don’t send anymore nude photos of me, as a very prominent
lady, with fan letters to Franklin Graham.
- And, finally, stop with things like answering the door as
Fred Rogers.
Not a word, you will notice about weight loss and getting
into shape. Besides, he banned me from the gym after what he calls “that Roadrunner
Must go. My GUT is bothering me.