Today marks the 50th anniversary of the end of
what you call the “Vietnam War.” I have studied this event in your history and
have tried my best to explain it to the Falloonian Elders.
I failed.
One of the best quotes I came across explaining your
country's involvement, although it doesn’t explain it fully, was from a book
called Tree of Smoke by a man named
Denis Johnson:
“The Americans won't win. They're not fighting for their
homeland. They just want to be good. In order to be good, they just have to
fight awhile and then leave.”
Another, longer quote, is an excerpt from a short story by
our own Jimmie, and today, in honor of the anniversary, I won’t call him Big
Dope. This is scene based on his experience in which a young American sailor,
on his first day “in-country” is sent to help escort a Vietnamese woman and her
baby to medical facilities on an American base at Da Nang. It is part of a
collection of stories he hopes to publish in a few weeks and deals with what
you Americans, rather blithely in my opinion, call “collateral damage.” Enjoy
“The baby sick?” he asked.
Zimmerman shook his head and walked on a few steps. “Blown
up,” he said.
“Blown up?”
“A stray rocket hit her house in the village and blew the
baby into a fire pit.”
“A stray rocket? Was it VC?”
“Nobody knows. What difference does it make?”
Hinson turned to the woman who appeared to him to be past
the age of having an infant. “Is it her baby?”
“Yeah, it’s hers,” Zimmerman said, pointing with a thumb.
Before he could say any more, the woman realized that they were talking about
her. She showed concern and turned toward Zimmerman. He wouldn’t look at her so
she turned to Hinson. He made the mistake of showing interest.
The woman, in order, it appeared, to justify being on the
base, relaxed her grip on the baby and lowered it, supporting it with one arm
near her stomach. As Hinson watched, she gently unwrapped the cloth that
covered the child and motioned for Hinson to look.
The child’s face consisted of a continuous red scab except
for a large blister that still covered one cheek. Stitches began near one ear
and continued beneath its clothing. Both hands extended from the body and were
wrapped tightly. It was apparent that one was shorter than the other. A patch
of white gauze, lifted away from the face by cotton swabs covered one eye while
the other stared ahead without moving, almost accusingly. Scabs covered the
lower lip. Blood stains showed through most of the bandages. The woman shook
her head and smiled at Hinson eagerly, so he would understand that she belonged
Breakfast bacon rebelled and roiled in Hinson’s stomach. He
stifled a retch, then another. He looked at Zimmerman who had never looked around.
“Jesus, god,” Hinson said quietly. The woman covered the child once more in the
soft clothing and pulled it tight against her breast. The three walked together
each struck silent by emotions beating against the morning heat like wild birds
fighting the bars of a cage. They were silent until they reached Sick Bay.
Let’s hope your country doesn’t forget and allow this to
happen again.
See also:
And ... available there and on-line at Amazon and Others: