I had pulled and extension chord over and placed a box fan a
few feet in front of us. “Bless you, my child,” he said, lighting another
cigarette. He smiled, took a draw, and put his lighter back into a pocket. “I
thought the London Blitz was uncomfortable, but now I don’t know.”
“What’s on your mind?” I said. “You don’t do Murrow unless
it is serious.”
“The Elders are at it again.”
“The Falloonian Elders?”
“Are there any others?”
I didn’t reply, no use when he’s on roll. Instead, I asked, “What
are they wanting to know?”
“When it all started.”
“When what started?”
“The path that has led to the present hypocrisy-challenged
mess your country is in.”
“As in so many can’t recognize it, or refuse to.” He took a
drag and exhaled. He leaned an elbow on his crossed leg and held the cigarette
like an exhibit. “I think,” he said, “that it started during the so-called ‘New
Deal.’ But some of my colleagues want to take it all the way back to the Civil
War.” He waived the cigarette as if directing music. “The some of us place it
as late as the Johnson-Goldwater election back in 1964. Then there are the radical
thinkers that place it as starting the day after Nixon fled the scene. What do
you think?”
“I think I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.”
He looked at me as if I had just doubted the known facts of natural
selection. “You don’t?”
“Something about politics?”
He nodded and exhaled smoke. “Bingo. I’m talking about the
moment when one political party became so angry and revenge-bent that it would
be willing to bring the whole country down, given time, cunning, and patience.”
I nodded. The fog was lifting. He continued. “I’m torn
between the New Deal and Johnson/Goldwater.”
“When the unquenchable hatred started?”
“Yes. There are two things that irritate conservatives the
“They are?”
“The first is helping those who are poor in spirit, who
mourn, the meek, the merciful, and who seek peace. You know, the usual crowd of
losers that their favorite writer—that Ayn what’s her name— taught them to
“And the second?”
“Losing, losing in any shape form or fashion.”
“So you think those have led to an inability to recognize
“Are you kidding me?” He flipped the cigarette away and
reached for another. “Haven’t you been paying attention?”
“Well, yeah. There does seem to be some double standard
about confirming a Supreme Court nominee.”
“Or who is a follower of the Galilean and who’s not?”
“Yeah, there is this Franklin Graham character.”
“Just nominated, as I understand it,” he said, “to the
Hypocrite’s Hall of Fame.”
“And you think it started with FDR and blossomed under Johnson?”
“Do-gooders on parade,” he said. “But they just maybe started
it. There’s no disagreement, even among the parties, as to who caused it to flourish.”
“You mean there is a bizarre example of bi-partisan agreement
as to what caused this abyss of hypocrisy and hatred?”
“It was Obama’s fault.”
See also:
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