There could be no doubt of it. C.W. was down in the dumps.
The first clue was the shape he had chosen for the day. Remember the silent
film star Buster Keaton’s sad look? Keep it in mind.
“What’s up?”
“Bad news. Very bad news.”
“Just received my quarterly evaluation from the Falloonian
“Not a glowing approval?”
“I’ve been accused of mkeenafrecnmesofyt.”
“Roughly speaking, they say I tend to overstate,
over-analyze, over-complicate, over-symptomize, over-explain, and waste their
“That’s a long list of transgressions.”
“My fault.”
“Yes … I sent them a copy of Roget’s Thesaurus in hopes of helping them understand my reports
“And they devastated you with it?”
“Yes. Remember when we watched that cartoon in which Wiley
Coyote was run over by the Acme truck and you had to explain the humor to me?
You called it ironing.”
“Whatever.” He was clearly in a dark mood.”
“Can you give me some examples?”
“I prepared and transmitted a comprehensive, 110-page report
on the current state of politics in your country.”
“That sounds commendable. What happened?”
“They sent a message saying they didn’t have time to read
all that. They recommended just saying ‘They need to elect better people to
office,’ and be done with it.”
“I see. Are there others?”
“I responded to a request to explain why your country has
been at war with various countries for 15 years with nothing to show for it.”
He reached into a pocket and retrieved a scrap of paper. He
held it and read, “Why couldn’t you just have said, ‘mass-insanity’ and be done
with it?”
“That’s pretty strong.”
“Oh, you should have seen the one in response to my
explanation of why your species is destroying the planet.”
“I can imagine.”
“Oh no you can’t. You don’t know the meaning of the word Falloonian
word Frtlihtinanishol in the context
of describing a sitting political leader.”
“I suppose not. But I do know you worked hard on your report
on our obsession with guns and violence.”
“All 200 pages of it, sent as a rush order after the recent
case where that news reporter got smacked by the political candidate.”
“I read parts of it. I thought it brilliant. I particularly
found your thesis compelling in which you surmised that the companies that
manufacture products used for violence are helping to aggrandize violence.”
“For the purpose of boosting sales,” he said.
“Yes. That must have impressed them.”
He shook his head, Buster Keaton style. “They have a
different explanation.”
“They boiled it down one word.”
“Yes. Wistahhdabeegern”
“And that means?”
“Roughly translated?”
“That’ll work.”
See also:
Delta Dreaming
All Hat No Cattle
Order Big Dope's Book at Wattensaw Press, Amazon, or other book sellers.

All Hat No Cattle
Order Big Dope's Book at Wattensaw Press, Amazon, or other book sellers.

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