
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Seeking Help

Dear Friends:
Has anyone seen Big Dope? He ran out the door this morning after I asked him to answer a simple question. At least I thought it was simple. I only asked him to explain:
Why would someone who finds every statement and action by a political candidate reprehensible , hurtful, or hateful would still maintain they will vote for him simply be cause:
1. He has the right letter behind his name,
2, He "says" he supports the only issue I'm concerned with, or
3. He says the other candidate may be qualified but simply strikes him the wrong way?

Replies are always welcome. Oh, and I did find this original version of something that Big Dope posted on what you call a "social means of mass communication" outlet today. Hope you enjoy it.

 Yesterday I suggested we look for things that bind us together. One friend responded, so I guess I should. Remember that we, as Americans, are problem solvers when pressed. And we do it not with moment of silence, prayer, hatred, or blame-placing, but with hard work and dedication.

For example, children today don’t suffer sitting through films of their peers in iron lungs fighting the ravages of polio. They aren’t forced weekly by their parents to lie on their back on the kitchen table and raise their head—reportedly a home test for the disease. Except for a few spots on the planet, where religious extremists ban the cure, polio no longer exists.

“I have had dreams and I have had nightmares,
 but I have conquered my nightmares 
because of my dreams.” – Jonas Salk
One man, who grew up poor in New York City, whose father worked in the garment district, and who graduated from public schools and colleges, developed a vaccine. Then a complex collaboration of leaders and solvers effected the results, working from a system of public administration envied by the world. Private organizations in our country helped fund the spread of the vaccine to other countries. The world walks a little taller today because of this joining together by Americans.

The man, Jonas Salk, never patented the vaccine, preferring to make it available to everyone. That is the America that binds us.
May we all be led by our dreams today, and not our nightmares. Peace.

May I add that thought as well. I think I’ll include it in my next report home.
-Your friend, C.W.

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